Nonlinear analysis methods are in the core of modern engineering. Understanding the basic algorithms and requirements for the proper modeling of different structural systems is essential, while the robust and accurate modeling requires a good grasp of the fundamentals. The course intents to provide the basic framework for modelling nonlinear civil engineering problems, such as buildings and bridges. The course will be built around OpenSees software. OpenSees is an open-source structural analysis platform developed in the University of California. It is a powerful software, ideal for teaching and research, and suitable for a variety of applications in engineering practice.
The main objective of the course is to familiarize students OpenSees software and also with the stateof-the-art in nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of structures using beam-column elements. At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
- create robust and accurate FE models using OpenSees software
- understand the basic concepts and types of nonlinear problems in structural mechanics and choose the proper modeling
- understand material nonlinearity , i.e. constitutive laws for steel and concrete, sections analysis, the difference between lumped plasticity and the various fiber element approaches
- work on the seismic performance assessment of common structures (e.g. frames) for using static pushover analysis or nonlinear response history analysis using ground motion records
The course will combine the presentation of slides, that will serve as class notes, and short tutorials that will be solved in the class during each lecture. The duration of this course is 1 month, and it includes five sessions of duration 3 hours.
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1 | Thursday 17 February 2022 | Introduction to OpenSees Software: theory and structure of the software |
Lecture 2 | Monday 21 February 2022 | Applications of OpenSees Software: tools and advanced capabilities |
Lecture 3 | Thursday 24 February 2022 | Nonlinear Problems & Geometric Nonlinearity |
Lecture 4 | Thursday 3 March 2022 | Material Nonlinearity |
Lecture 5 | Thursday 10 March 2022 | Dynamic Analysis |
Course Material
You can download the course material from here.