- ResponseSpectrum.m Creates the response spectrum, spectral values for a single period
(requires includeFile.m, sdfL.m)
- FourierAnalysis.m Fourier analysis of a ground motion: a) amplitude spectrum, b) inverse Fourier (reconstruct the ground motion combining amplitude and phase.
(requires includeFile.m)
- RecordParameters.m Find various record parameters (i.e. Arias intensity, Husid plot, CAS, Spectral Intensity, PGA, PGV, PGD)(requires includeFile.m)
- RunSDOF.m Response history analysis of a bilinear SDOF oscillator
(requires includeFile.m, ForceDelta.m).
- functions:
ReadRecord.m Use this to read a ground motion record (accelerogram). Various formats are supported (e.g. NGA, European Ground motion database).
sdfL.m Response history analysis of a linear SDOF (single-degree-of-freedom) oscillator. Use this also this to get spectral values (acceleration, velocity, displacement) for a single period.
sdfNL.m Response history analysis of a bilinear SDOF (single-degree-of-freedom) oscillator.
spectrum.m Obtain response spectra (acceleration, velocity, displacement) (requires sdfL.m)
- auxiliary scripts and files:
includeFile.m clear the memory, read the record (requires recs.zip)
ForceDelta.m bilinear force-displacement law with kinematic hardening
recs.zip directory with ground motion records used in includeFile.m (you have to unzip it)
OpenSees Frame Viewer

This is a smart Matlab script for viewing an OpenSees model.
Just output your model using the OpenSees “print” command and postprocess it with the scripts here provided.Download files
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